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Common Issues with Old Tyres: Don't Let Them Ruin Your Driving Experience

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Just like everything else in your car, tyres tend to degrade with age. But what specific issues can you expect to encounter as a tyre starts to wear down? And more importantly, how can you prevent them from happening in the first place? This article looks at some of the most common problems associated with ageing tyres – so you can keep your car on the road and safe.  Cracks and Splits Read More»

Top Questions to Ask When Buying Stainless Steel Castors

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If you are shopping for castors for warehouse carts or other material handling systems, stainless steel models are the best choice. As their name suggests, stainless steel castors are made from stainless steel, one of the most durable metals available. Therefore, you should not be duped into buying zinc-plated castors since they look like stainless steel castors. That said, it is essential to know as much as possible about stainless steels castors to avoid mistakes. Read More»

When It's Time to Go for a Tyre Alignment

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Tyre alignment refers to the adjustment of your car’s suspension. It works so that each wheel is positioned in such a way that it is evenly balanced with the other. This is done by an experienced tyre alignment professional by using specialised alignment equipment. The main aim of this process is to make sure that there isn’t any avoidable wearing out of your car tyres. Uneven wear and tear happen when there is an unbalanced strain on the wheels, and that is where tyre alignment comes into play. Read More»

Tips For Looking After Your Car's Tyres

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If you don’t pay attention to your car’s tyres, then you are storing up trouble. Tyres which are not properly maintained could land you in trouble with the police if they are found to be unroadworthy. In fact, even tyres which are legal to drive on may be in a sufficiently bad state that they become dangerous in certain situations. You might find it harder to stop fully when braking, for example. Read More»

Two Signs That It's Time to Replace Your Car Tyres

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It’s important to ensure that your car tyres are in good condition. If you experience any of the following issues, it might be time to replace them. Your stopping distances have increased If you have begun to notice an increase in your stopping distances (that is, the length of time it takes your vehicle to come to a full stop), then you may need a new set of tyres. The reason for this is that tyres with excessively-low tread depths are not able to retain a strong grip on road surfaces. Read More»

The Various Types of Truck Tyres Available for You to Choose From

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Buying tyres for your truck is a purchase that you will definitely want to get right the first time because tyres are the primary point of contact between the vehicle and the road surface, and therefore impact vehicle safety and performance a great deal. But with the many options available for your truck, deciding which type of tyres will be right for your vehicle can be a daunting task.  Continue reading on below to acquaint yourself with the various choices available for your truck tyres. Read More»

What to Consider When Buying New Castor Wheels for Industrial Products

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If your company owns hand trucks, heavy toolboxes, furniture movers, or any type of equipment on castors or wheels, you don’t need to replace the entire piece of equipment when one of those castors breaks. These wheels are typically very easy to replace on their own, so that your equipment is up and moving like new again in no time. You might even upgrade the castors to something stronger and more durable when you do replace them, so your pieces are easier to manage. Read More»

How to Do Your Own Tyre Safety Check

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Where the rubber meets the road is an expression that refers to the point when you put a theory to the test of reality. In a literal sense, putting the rubber to the road is when you take your car out and rely on your tyres to get you somewhere. To ensure the journey is as safe as possible, you should consider a tyre safety check before you leave. Here are some questions to consider. Read More»

Terminology to Learn When Tyre Shopping

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When you’re ready to go tyre shopping, it’s good to learn some of the terminology that is used for tyres, so you can discern the best choice for your vehicle and your driving habits in particular. Buying the cheapest tyres possible may save you a few dollars initially, but these tyres may also wear out sooner than something that’s a bit more expensive, and may not give you the control and handling you need when behind the wheel. Read More»

Auto Maintenance: Understanding the Common Causes of Irregular Tyre Wear

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The uneven wear of tread can be frustrating because this problem compromises the function of the tyres and shortens their lifespan. In simple terms, when tyres experience degradation on certain sections, the performance of the vehicle will change. Over time, the tyre will not be in firm contact with the road when driving. Consequently, handling could become difficult, increasing the risk of loss of control. If this issue is not prevented, the vehicle owner will need to perform frequent tyre replacements. Read More»