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Two Signs That It's Time to Replace Your Car Tyres

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It's important to ensure that your car tyres are in good condition. If you experience any of the following issues, it might be time to replace them.

Your stopping distances have increased

If you have begun to notice an increase in your stopping distances (that is, the length of time it takes your vehicle to come to a full stop), then you may need a new set of tyres.

The reason for this is that tyres with excessively-low tread depths are not able to retain a strong grip on road surfaces. This reduction in traction can lead to your car continuing to slip across the ground, even after you have pressed down on the brake pedal.

A loss of traction is a serious problem which could increase your chances of getting into an accident. It could, for example, make it harder for you to avoid hitting a pedestrian who is crossing the road or lead to your car skidding towards another vehicle.

As such, if your stopping distances have increased, you should check the tread depths of your car tyres immediately and replace them if they are too low.

You find yourself having to adjust the tyres' pressure levels more frequently

If the checks you perform with your tyre pressure gauge indicate that the tyres' pressure levels are dropping rapidly just a few days after you top up their air, and you, therefore, find yourself having to increase the frequency of these top-ups, then it might be time to purchase some new tyres.

Even if you drive your car on a regular basis, you should only need to top up the air in your tyres' about once a month. If you have to top-up their air at least once every week, this could be a sign that the tyres have developed tiny punctures, as a result of driving over a sharp stone or piece of glass on the road.

Minuscule punctures of this kind will not result in the immediate deflation of a tyre but will instead gradually allow the air to seep out of it over the course of a few days.

If you're experiencing this problem, it is important to replace the affected tyres as soon as possible, as tyres with low-pressure levels are more likely to overheat and burst during a long road journey. This could lead to you losing control of your car and ending up in an accident.
